Why Choose DPRKoin?

Data-driven gommunism:

Because nothing screams equality like algorithmic ​oppression and data-driven dictatorship. Finally, we can all ​enjoy the shared misery of having our thoughts monitored ​and our memes regulated. Truly, the future is now, and it's ​as bleakly utopian as we could have ever imagined.

Revolutionary ideology

Because nothing says 'trustworthy' and 'transparent' like a ​digital currency issued by a regime known for its openness ​and respect for human rights. Imagine the convenience of ​having your every transaction monitored by a government ​that can't even feed its own people properly. With this ​revolutionary cryptocurrency, you can experience the thrill ​of economic instability while supporting your favorite ​authoritarian regime. Who needs stability and security ​when you can have the thrill of financial risk and political ​intrigue? Get ready to invest in the future, comrade!


Most importantly, every last penny is re-invested back into the Mother Koin

stay tuned

Transparency is the most important thing and we will be sharing every last detail and ​development with our community and supporters. You will be privy to what will be ​happening behind the scenes.